INTERSPEECH '2005 - EUROSPEECH is the sixth conference in the annual series of INTERSPEECH events and the ninth biennial conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). It will be held September 4-8 in Lisbon, Portugal, following previous INTERSPEECH events in Jeju (2004), Geneva (2003), Denver (2002), Aalborg (2001) and Beijing (2000).
INTERSPEECH'2005 will be held at Centro Cultural de Belém, located in Lisbon's most renowned historic area, next to the Jerónimos Monastery and facing the river Tagus.
Although this interdisciplinary conference will cover all aspects of speech science and technology, INTERSPEECH'2005 will have a special focus on the theme of "Ubiquitous Speech Processing". The conference will include plenary talks by world-class experts, tutorials, exhibits and parallel oral and poster sessions on the following topics:
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Discourse and Dialogue
- Prosody
- Paralinguistic and Nonlinguistic Information
- Speech Production
- Speech Perception
- Physiology and Pathology
- Spoken Language Acquisition, Development and Learning
- Signal Analysis, Processing and Feature Estimation
- Single- and Multi-channel Speech Enhancement
- Speech Coding and Transmission
- Spoken Language Generation and Synthesis
- Speech Recognition
Acoustic processing for ASR, language and pronunciation modeling, adaptation and general robustness issues, engineering issues in ASR (e.g. searches, large vocabulary), etc.
- Spoken Language Understanding
- Speaker Characterization and Recognition
- Language/Dialect Identification
- Multi-modal/Multi-media Processing
- Spoken Language Resources and Annotation
- Spoken/Multi-modal Dialogue Systems
- Spoken Language Extraction/Retrieval
- Spoken Language Translation
- Spoken Language Technology for the Aged and Disabled (e-inclusion)
- Spoken Language Technology for Education (e-learning)
- New Applications
- Evaluation and Standardization
- Ubiquitous Speech Processing
- Others
The deadline for full paper submission (4 pages) has been extended to April 14, 2005. Paper submission is done exclusively via the conference website, using the submission guidelines. No previously published papers should be submitted. Each corresponding author will be notified by e-mail of the acceptance of the paper by June 10, 2005. Minor updates will be allowed during June 10 - June 16.
We encourage proposals for half-day pre-conference tutorials to be held on September 4, 2005. Those interested in organizing a tutorial should send a one-page description to by January 14, 2005.
INTERSPEECH'2005 also welcomes proposals for special sessions. Each special session normally consists of 6 invited papers, although other formats may be considered. The topics of the special sessions should be important, new, emerging areas of interest to the speech processing community, yet have little overlap with the regular sessions. They could also be interdisciplinary topics that encourage cross -fertilization of fields or topics investigated by members of other societies that are becoming of keen interest to the speech and language community. Special session papers follow the same submission format as regular papers. Proposals for special sessions should be sent to by January 14, 2005.
Proposals for Tutorials and Special Sessions due by: |
January 14, 2005 |
Full paper submission deadline: |
April 14, 2005 |
Notification of paper acceptance/rejection |
June 10, 2005 |
Early registration deadline: |
June 30, 2005 |
If you want to be updated as more information becomes available, please send an e-mail to the following address: